Jogging football: a new concept optimizing internal/external demand for recreational football

Makoto ayaBe, Hideaki KuMahara, Kazuhiro MoriMura, Satoshi iShiZaKi

研究成果: Article査読


BacKGrouNd: The present investigation aimed to examine the movement patterns and cardiometabolic demand during jogging football (Jf), which is a new concept of recreational football that allows walking and jogging with limiting running behavior. MeThodS: Twenty-three collegiate soccer players played soccer for 10 minutes while following three different rules: 1) the players moved by walking only (walking football [Wf]); 2) the players moved by walking or jogging (Jf); and 3) the players moved freely, i.e., a combination of walking, jogging, and running (usual football [uf]). a graded exercise test (GXT) was performed to determine individual relationships between heart rate (hr) and moving speeds. RESULTS: The HR, metabolic equivalents (METs), and velocity differed significantly in the three conditions and significantly increased in the order of WF, JF, and UF (P<0.001). The speed was significantly higher in the recreational football compared to that in the GXT, but METs were significantly higher in all forms of recreational footballs than in the GXT (P<0.05). Based on the results of JF, the duration of the movement at the speed of <5 km/h was significantly shorter than that of WF, and that at speed of >10km/h, it was significantly shorter than that of UF (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The present investigation revealed the characteristics of the activity profiles of JF in comparison to WF and UF. JF is a recreational sport with an exercise intensity that falls between Wf and uf, owing to the shorter durations of walking and running.

ジャーナルJournal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
出版ステータスPublished - 2024 4月

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 整形外科およびスポーツ医学
  • 理学療法、スポーツ療法とリハビリテーション


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